What to Expect on Sunday

Children's Church

Sunday School

Pre-School age Sunday School



Wednesday Night Programs

Vacation Bible School

Special Events

Children’s ministries exists to create a safe environment which brings children into age-appropriate worship where they can belong to the family of God, grow in their relationship with Christ, be inspired to serve and then go share Christ in the world.

We hope that your family finds a special place in our Church, and joyfully walks along with us in this amazing journey as children, teachers and families grow in faith together.

Just as Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,” we await with open arms the precious, smiling faces of your children. Let us help your family grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, and with each other.


8:45 am WORSHIP

     A nursery available for our children from birth through Pre-Kindergarten 5 year olds

 Click here for a complete list of nursery locations.

While in the nursery, children ages 3 & 4 participate in a bible story in room 109 and have age-appropriate activities to support the story.

     Elementary Children
   At 8:45 children in Kindergarten through 2nd grade begin worship with their families and at the designated spot in the service are dismissed to Children’s Church in room 213.
     Children 3rd grade and up participate in worship with their families. There are Busy Bags located in the Narthex and the rear of the Fellowship Hall to help with children who may not be able to focus the entire length of worship. These bags contain activities and coloring sheets. Please ask an Usher for a bag, and return it at the conclusion of the service. Children’s Bulletins are also available.

10:00 am

Sunday School for ALL ages

Nursery available for children from birth through pre-kindergarten 

5 year old’s.

CLICK HERE for a complete list of our Children’s Sunday School 


11:15 am WORSHIP

Preschool Children

     A nursery is available for children ages birth through five who have not yet started kindergarten.

Click here for complete list of nursery locations 

While in the nursery, children ages 3 & 4 participate in a bible story in room 109 and have age-appropriate activities to support the story.

Elementary Children

   At 11:15 all children of elementary age enjoy worship with their family. There are Busy Bags located in the Narthex to help with children who may not be able to focus the entire length of worship. These bags contain activities and coloring sheets. Please ask an Usher for a bag, and return it to the Narthex at the conclusion of the service. Children’s bulletins are also available.

Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School is held each Sunday at 10:00 am for children who are 3 years old through 5th grade. Classes are grouped by grade level.

Greeters at our Welcome Desk downstairs near the elevator  or at the children’s ministry desk upstairs, will be happy to help if you need assistance finding your Sunday School classes. You can also 

email us

Sunday School Room Locations

3 year olds
4 year olds
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade

Drop off and pick up in room 115B
Drop off and pick up in room 115B
Drop off and pick up in room 244
Drop off in room 213/Pick up in room 245
Drop off in room 213/Pick up in room 248
Drop off in room 213/Pick up in room 242
Drop off in room 213/Pick up in room 243
Drop off in room 215/Pick up in room 246

Preschool age clarification

Class assignment is determined by each child’s age on or before September 1 of the current school year.

At BUMC, we use Dorchester District 2’s cut-off dates to determine class placement for ages 3 and older. Children remain in the nursery until they move to the 3 year old Sunday School class on Promotion Sunday, which is scheduled on the Sunday before the first day of class of Dorchester District 2’s new school year.

Promotion to a new grade level

All children remain in their age/grade-level class throughout the school year. Children are promoted to the next grade-level on Promotion Sunday, which is scheduled on the Sunday before the first day of Dorchester District 2’s new school year.

Children's Church


For our preschool children, Nursery available for children from birth through pre-kindergarten 5 year old’s. Drop-off before worship in room 109 for the entire worship hour during the 8:45 a.m. and 11:15 worship services. The kids enjoy a bible story, an activity related to the story and free play time. Nursery employees ensure that these little ones are escorted directly to their Sunday School classes following the 8:45 a.m. service


Children’s Church  is worship for our Kindergarteners through second graders. We use the Pursue Gods Kids curriculum which includes a fun short video, crafts, and activities.

Children begin in worship with their parents until they are excused at a time indicated in the service. Volunteers walk the children from either the traditional service in the Sanctuary, or Word & Table in the Fellowship Hall, to room 213 where they are met by a teacher. Please complete the stickers found in the pews or at the entrance to Word & Table to let us know your contact information and if your child will be staying for Sunday School. Those children staying for Sunday School will be signed into their grade level classes by volunteers. If you are not staying for Sunday School, children should be picked up in room 214, promptly at the end of the service.



Bethany offers children’s activities as part of Bethany NOW, giving kids opportunities for fun and faith development while their parents attend Bible studies, choir rehearsals and other activities. Following the Bethany NOW schedule, these programs are active from September through May.

What does Bethany NOW look like for kids:

5:00 – 6:00          Dinner in the Fellowship Hall with family

Preschool – Kindergarten
6:00-6:45 — Cherub Choir in room 233
6:45-7:30 — Sprouts: Growing in Faith in room 110

K-2nd Grade
6:00-6:45 — Melody Choir in Sanctuary 
6:45-7:30 — Crafting Faith in the Art Room

3rd-5th Grade
6:00-6:45 — Crafting Faith in the Art Room
6:45-7:30 — Wesley Choir in the Sanctuary 

Children should be signed in to their first activity. Volunteers will help them move from their first location to their second. At 7:30, all children should be picked up from their second activity.

Adult Classes